Thursday, June 19, 2014

Collimation tools and refigure

I wasn't getting good pin point stars with the high power eyepieces so I bought the collimating tools from Catseye.  They are very well made and very precise.

After spending hours getting the mirrors lined up as perfect as I could  with the tools, I still was disappointed with the views.  I did a star test and though I'm no expert I could tell something was not right so I decided to send the mirror in for testing.  
  As I expected the results were not so good.  I was told the correction in the outer areas is pretty good but around 4 inches across the center is flat with no correction, beyond what the diagonal would cover.  That would explain the focus issue.  Also the very tip edge of the mirror is turned down.  So I gave the go ahead for the refigure.  
  That was a few months ago and now the mirror is done with the refigure and is at the coaters right now.  When the mirror is done I will take it out and hopefully get excellent views!  After which I will post who did the refigure and the coating.

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